Saint Anne Catholic Church
(a.k.a. Saint Anne on Highland)
Become who you were always meant to be.
Encounter Christ, yesterday, today, and forever.
(a.k.a. Saint Anne on Highland)
Become who you were always meant to be.
Encounter Christ, yesterday, today, and forever.
Mon – Sat 8:15am
Mon / Wed / Fri 12:00pm
Vigil Sat 4:00pm (Eng)
Sunday 10:30am (Eng)
Sunday 2:30pm (Esp)
Saturday 3:15 – 3:45pm
Sunday 1:45 – 2:15pm
or by appointment
Msgr. James Shea of Bismark ND
During Mass, Fr. Dennis mentioned that some of the best preaching he has ever heard in his life was at SEEK25, the annual conference for Catholic college students. All the presentations can be viewed at https://seekreplay.com/
The very best was Msgr. James Shea of Bismark ND. Set aside 30 minutes and give it a listen. Totally worth it.